SJV News

Continuous Renovation

Dear friends in Christ: Work is continuing on our project.  Obviously, we had hoped to have been completed long before now. However, in construction, there

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This is the House that SJV Built!

SJV’s Golden Jubilee Habitat for Humanity house was completed last week and dedicated on January 21st. We’d like to thank all of the many volunteers who made this possible including the Young Adults, High School Youth, Choir, Men’s ACTS, and St. Anne’s Society. By the end of the build, over 200 SJV volunteers contributed more than 1,300 hours of labor to the home.

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The Diaconal Ministry

Dear friends in Christ: Some weeks ago, a terrible mistake occurred here at the parish. Fr. Chuck had offered the 8:00 a.m. mass and I

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Four Devotions for 2017

Dear friends in Christ: What are your New Year’s resolutions? Most folks generally list things like shed 10 lbs., save more money, start exercising or

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