SJV News

The Journey Makes Us One

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the ritual process by which non-Catholic and unbaptized adults learn and begin to assimilate Catholic belief and tradition. It is a ritual because there is an order or path which guides inquirers; it is a process because Initiation is ultimately about one’s relationship with Christ and his body, the Church, and cannot be “programmed”.

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God First

Dear friends in Christ: This is a wonderful time of year on the church’s liturgical calendar – The Ascension, Pentecost, Holy Trinity, Corpus Christi, and

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Will you Serve?

Dear friends in Christ: First, a word of thanks to everyone for continuing to handle the construction with such patience, grace and understanding. There is

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Celebrating Life

SJV began hosting our annual Walk for Life in 2013 with about 60 parishioners who participated. We walked and prayed the Rosary for Life in Terry Hershey Park with Deacon Randy Graham. We have since outgrown the walk with over 200 participants last year.

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Camp SJV Class of 2010

For almost three decades, Camp SJV has offered the children and youth of our parish summers filled with activities and themes that are both Christian & fun. Activities include: bible stories, creative arts & crafts, recreational games (both indoor & outdoor), music, special guest speakers and entertainers, field trips and more!

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Receiving Grace

Dear friends in Christ: In so many ways, spiritually speaking, this a beautiful time of the year!  Baptisms of adults and Professions of Faith at

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A Big Thank You!

To all who attended and assisted in making The National Catholic Bible Conference a success! Over 1200 people attended from across the U.S. For the first time in its history, NCBC brought their Conference to Texas, to Houston – to Saint John Vianney parish – on May 5 and 6. The parish was selected because of our vibrant communal life and, in particular, the significant number of participants in Bible Studies.

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