SJV News

SJV Harvey Relief Fund

The hurricane and flooding has dramatically impacted all of our parish. Please pray for all of our parishioners and neighbors who have lost so much. As so many of our staff, parish leaders and volunteers are flood victims or had to evacuate, we have created a Hurricane Harvey Disaster Fund in our efforts to mobilize much needed assistance in our community.

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SJV Disaster Relief Ministry

SJV’s Disaster Relief Ministry is taking steps to assist with the long-term recovery of our parishioners and our neighbors in need. Find resources for those affected and contact information for those who want to help.

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We Are On Our Way!

Note #6 from Fr. Troy: With praise and thanksgiving to God, at long last, we are on our way! Daily Masses will resume Friday, September

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Note #5 from Fr. Troy

Dear friends in Christ, I pray this message finds you safe. The hurricane and flooding has dramatically impacted all of our parish. We are struggling

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Note #4 from Fr. Troy

The SJV campus and offices remain closed.  Major work is being done on our campus by  CenterPoint Energy which has located an Emergency Mobile Substation

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Bringing Power Back to 5,700 Homes

Major work is being done on our campus by  CenterPoint Energy which has located an Emergency Mobile Substation on our property.  This is to assist in restoring electric power to thousands of area homes.  As the work is hazardous and there are many workers and  vehicles on campus, it is for safety reasons that the campus remains closed.

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Note #3 from Fr. Troy

For safety reasons all Masses and confessions at SJV are cancelled this weekend. Please pray for all those suffering and those working on recovery efforts.

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Cardinal DiNardo’s Video Message

In a new video, Cardinal DiNardo talks about the devastation brought about by Hurricane Harvey, the response of the Archdiocese, and appeals for donations to the Archdiocesan Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund.

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Note #2 from Fr. Troy

Power is out. Bayou continues to rise, we are safe. Neighborhood is flooding, campus will remain closed until further notice. Stay safe and dry. Keep

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Note #1 from Fr. Troy

The parish offices are closed and all activities and events including masses and adoration are cancelled through Wednesday. We will update according to conditions. All

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The Ministry of Peter

Today’s gospel should be one that every Catholic knows by heart. Mt 16:18 “You are Peter (Tu est Petrus) and upon this rock I will

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