SJV News

Dealing with Grief

Dear Friends in Christ: Many are familiar with the Five Stages of Grief of Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s renowned book On Death and Dying.  She posits

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Hope Network

We realize recovery from Harvey is a long-term process, and we want to be there for our fellow parishioners through this process. We offer prayer, encouragement and support as we are able. In addition to prayer, we are currently focusing on volunteers who can prepare hot meals or are willing to help provide prepared food to our parishioners. Many of them are still living in hotels or do not have a functioning kitchen, and having to eat out for every meal can add up. As time progresses, additional needs will arise.

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An Act of Devotion

Dear Friends in Christ: Today is our Annual Parish Bazaar! This year we had to move the bazaar back a month due to the floods

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Pipe Organ Onsite

Join our Music Department in celebrating that the unloading of our new organ at SJV has begun! Piece by piece our pipe organ is arriving at its new home in the Church. See the latest pictures and when at Church, take a moment to admire the unique complexity of this beautiful instrument in the process of being assembled.

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Blessing of the Animals

On the Feast of St. Francis, friend to all living things, there was a special blessing of the animals at SJV. Parishioners and pets gathered in the scout area in the late afternoon and the non-humans were especially well-behaved. This year Fr. Clark joined veteran pet lover, Fr. Chuck, in the prayer service and blessing. Attendance grows every year. Dogs were in the majority but it was fun to see the geckos and bunnies too. The best part is watching the childrens’ happiness when their furry friends get their own blessing from Father.

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FEMA Hours & Location

FEMA Offices are located in the Activity Center Youth Lounge. New Hours of Operation: Monday – Saturday from 9am to 7pm. Closed on Sundays. Other

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