SJV News

Living a Life of Prayer

Dear Friends in Christ: Christmas is coming, Christmas is coming! But Jesus is already here! It is easy, especially at this time of year, to

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Marian Consecration for Children

Congratulation to our students who completed the Marian Consecration for Children program, which culminated beautifully with Mass on December 8th, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

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It’s About Jesus!

Dear Friends in Christ: A few years ago for Advent, I gave one sentence homilies. People seemed shocked at first that the homily was so

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Social Ministry: Christmas Program

As Christmas approaches, the number of people in need of assistance increases.  Please help us continue to feed and assist those in need within our parish during this season of hope.

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The Gift of Faith

Dear Friends in Christ: Last week, Fr. Clark and I took two of the seminarians from our parish, Rick Arriola and Justin Cormie, out to

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Back from Eagle Pass

Last week, 18 SJV Parishioners participated in a Service Mission Trip to Eagle Pass, Texas (on the border with Mexico). The team completed a great deal of work. Over the course of five days, they worked on four homes fixing, repairing or replacing just about everything!

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Fulfilling our Mission

Dear Friends in Christ: Over the last several months I have been working with our Pastoral Council and our staff to develop some long term

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Mission Team Returns from El Salvador

St. John Vianney and St. Thomas More medical and lay professionals joined a team of missioners from across the U.S. to journey to El Salvador on a Helping Hands Medical Mission. SJV also provided financial support, supplies, and volunteers throughout the summer to package and inventory medications in preparation for the mission.

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St. Paul VI

Dear Friends in Christ: Two weeks ago, Pope Francis canonized seven new saints. Among the newly canonized were St. Oscar Romero (1917-1980) and St. Paul

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