SJV News

Renew Our Focus

Dear Friends in Christ: We are in the midst of finalizing the budget for the upcoming fiscal year 2019-2020. As we look ahead, it is

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Easter Fun

Thank you to all 1,600 parishioners and volunteers who attended our annual Party on the Lot. Special thanks to our newest Catholics and the RCIA team who served in the BBQ lines. There were fun activities for everyone in the family, all enjoyed a great evening of food, fun and fellowship!

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Reverence and Praise

Dear Friends in Christ: God is so good to us! He is so wonderful that it is challenging for us to adequately express our appreciation.

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SJV Golf Outing

Our SJV Golf Outing was a huge success with over 100 golfers and Father Clark! Special thanks to our organizers, David Cole, Todd Wisler and the Parish Life Staff!
Congrats to all our winners and participants. A special shout out to Scott Von Borstel for his hole in one!!

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May they become known to us and us, to them!

Congratulations to the women and men who were fully initiated into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. They now enter the fourth and final phase of their process, Mystagogy. Please continue to pray for them, their godparents, sponsors, and the RCIA team who journey with them.

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Eagle Pass Mission Teams Successfully Complete Two Trips

Over the week of Spring Break, nine SJV parishioners participated in a mission trip to Eagle Pass, TX (on the border with Mexico). Serving as project leaders and mentors for students from four Catholic high schools, the Mission Team members worked hard and completed repairs on five homes for the elderly, disabled, and the very poor. The work involved repairing roofs, siding, and painting.

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