SJV News

Parish Update

Following the advice of the county “Stay home, Stay safe” guidance, the parish office is closed until further notice.
Our parish staff and clergy will continue to be working only from home and will be accessible by e-mail. View our Clergy and Staff Directory for contact information.
The Adoration Chapel will remain open 24/7 with the Blessed Sacrament present in the tabernacle.
Please continue to pray, stay strong in the faith and assist one another.  Please be safe and prudent during this time. 

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SJV’s Drive-by Food Drive is a huge success!

On Saturday, May 30, almost 100 volunteer SJV parishioners came together to collect food for our first-ever Drive-by Food Drive. In total, 370 vehicles/families dropped off and donated food over a span of 3 hours.  At the end, 17 vehicles ranging from SUVs, pick-up trucks and trailers carried approximately 450 boxes of food to Magnificat House and Catholic Charities’ Guadalupe Center!  We thank everyone who made this possible by helping to plan or promote the event, and by volunteering or donating food! 

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Easter Joy

The long-awaited celebrations of the Initiation sacraments began Tuesday, May 26 evening at the 7 pm Mass, and continued on the Vigil of Pentecost, Saturday, May 30. Congratulations to the men and women who were received into full communion with the Catholic Church. 

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