Women’s Club

Welcome to all women whether you are married or single, empty nesters, or maybe just now finding your way in this path of life. We want to celebrate your accomplishments and grow with you as you take on your personal challenges. Draw close to this support group and we will celebrate together. We look to Our Blessed Mother for strength, consolation, and guidance as she brings us closer to Jesus and our Catholic faith, covering us with her mantle of goodness and kindness. She personifies all we hope to model for ourselves.

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ~ Proverbs 31:25
The Proverbs 31 woman is a woman of wisdom. With God as her guiding source, she has clarity on the decisions she makes, how she lives her life, and the words she chooses. She carefully cultivates a Godly life on the eternal truth of God, and not the temporary and fleeting distractions of this world.

Our Fourfold Purpose (going on 55 years!):

  • Caring – Provide a loving environment of compassion and gentleness.
  • Serving – Engage in charitable works and support of our parish and those in need.
  • Learning – Inspire spiritual, emotional, and personal growth among our members.
  • Connecting – Within our group of companionship, and greater church community.

About Us:

  • Meet on the first Wednesday of the month from September through May, held in the Adult Lounge of the Activity Center at 9:45 am.
  • Our guest speakers address topics which are spiritually and socially relevant.
  • Hold an annual card/games party, the proceeds of which added to our dues, fund our charitable giving.
  • Donate gift-filled shoe boxes to the Seafarers Center at Christmas.
  • Co-host a Day of Pray in the Lenten season with the other women’s groups in the parish.
  • Participate in the Northwest Deanery of Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women.
  • Attend a Mass at St. Mary’s Seminary, followed by lunch with the Seminarians.
  • Keep our membership informed through our monthly newsletter, the “Saintly Scoop”.
  • Engage in a Prayer List for needs and concerns affecting our members.
  • Assist with various activities in the parish including the Bazaar, Lenten, and Parish Dinners.
  • Provide Book Club as a special interest group, the second Tuesday of each month.
  • Arrange pop-up get-togethers throughout the year; Mass & Brunch, Museum Excursions; Faith Movie Nights, Masses at the Co-Cathedral.

2023-2024 Board:

  • President: Carrie Frain
  • First VP – Programs: Open
  • Second VP – Membership: Karen Barber
  • Third VP – Hospitality: Susan Sellier and Martha Ciacciofera
  • Secretary: Kathy Gillogly
  • Treasurer: Mary Grace Hume
  • Spiritual Director: OPEN

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