Parish Life

We come together as many to form one family in Christ. As a parish life community, we offer fellowship, fun and compassion, providing a spiritual home away from home to our families. Through our ministries, our parishioners volunteer their time and talents, no matter their age or abilities. Our families are the very heart of our parish, and we offer them the space and opportunity to grow closer to God and each other. We provide the foundation that allows them to live their Catholic identities in their homes, their schools, their workplaces, and the larger world.

Parish Life Groups


Parish Life Events

Coffee & Donuts

Following the morning Masses First Sundays of the Month in the Activity Center

First Friday Breakfasts

Following the 9am Mass First Fridays of the Month in St. Jude Hall

Parish Breakfasts

Following the morning Masses Seasonally in the Activity Center

Dinners for Eight

Opportunities to join year-round

Blood Drives

Hosted Seasonally in the Activity Center

Family Fun Nights

Fun for the whole family!

Lenten Meals

Tuna Sandwich Lunches & Lenten Dinners on Fridays during Lent

Camp SJV

Summer Day Camp for 4-12 year olds

Fall Bazaar

Annually on the Second Sunday in October

Sports Outings

Contact Parish Life