Want to grow in deeper intimacy with our Lord but don’t know where to begin?
Join us for a 7-part series aimed at advancing our souls in the spiritual life by diving deeper into several different ways the Church has given us to pray.
Over the 7 weeks, we will explore various forms of prayer such as mental prayer, imaginative prayer, meditation, Liturgy of the Hours, and Lectio Divina.
We will learn about the particular method of prayer and then “practice it” during the session so we can bring it into our daily prayer life.
The series is on Tuesday evenings and begins January 10, 7:00 – 8:30 pm in Room C-26.
January 10, 24; February 7,21; March 7,21; April 4
You also can contact the Adult Formation office ygill@stjohnvianney.org
There is no fee for this course.