The financial support of each and every parishioner is vital in fulfilling our parish mission of bringing the love of Christ to others. All financial contributions are tax deductible. Automatic, electronic giving is easy, safe and confidential. During this transition period, new and existing donors can still safely donate through Pushpay. There are options for one-time and recurring payments

Give to our parish
Methods of Giving:
- Direct Deposit/Online Payments from your bank account.
- Pushpay with ACH/Credit/Debit Card
- Text to Give (New Number): Text keyword “stjohnvianney” to 833.245.8454.
- Weekly Offertory Envelopes
- Extraordinary Gifts, such as appreciated stock. Please click here to complete the Letter of Intent.
Gifts can be made to our General Fund, specific ministries (Youth Formation, Adult Formation, Social Services, Music Ministry, Respect Life, Liturgy, etc.) or our Endowment Funds. Gifts to the St. John Vianney Endowment help provide income to the parish in the years to come.
Have you remembered our parish in your will? This is a beautiful way to help our parish continue the work of ministry and service for years to come. When reviewing or making your will and estate plans please consider a remembrance to our parish.
For more information on these methods of giving, see our parish brochure on giving, and contact Jennifer Rider, 281.752.2469.

DSF 2025
The Diocesan Services Fund (DSF) supports services that cannot be accomplished by one parish alone. If you haven’t made your pledge yet, it’s easy to do it online here. Not everyone can do everything, but God blesses all of us to do something. Thank you for your generous support!

In Memoriam
Memorialize the life of a loved one by supporting the mission of St. John Vianney Catholic Church. “In Memoriam” donations are given in memory of someone who has passed away. Sometimes families rquest a memorial donation in lieu of flowers to a charitable organization.
Stewardship is a way of life for Christians, or at least it should be. For us, it is not merely the charitable giving of money, it is a part of our discipleship, a part of living our baptismal promises. To be a faithful Catholic means that we give of ourselves and our possessions, including our time and our wealth. We give not just to fill a need, but because we believe that we are called to imitate God who is the giver of all good things. We have a need to give!
The fulfillment of the mission of St. John Vianney parish depends upon the prayers, sacrifices, participation and financial support of all of its members. Our parish programs and ministries enhance the lives of thousands of people every week. It is true that it is in giving that we receive. We all have time, talent, and treasure – the question is how will we use them.