625 Nottingham Oaks Trail, Houston, TX, 77079
Event Type
Women’s Lenten Day of Reflection
Living Authentically
We can become so indoctrinated, propagandized, and socialized that we don’t know who we truly are. Each of us is born authentic, but as we grow up we face constant social pressures to conform to fit in, or simply go along to get along to the point that our true selves are suppressed, along with our natural curiosity and creativity. How can we recover our authentic self and be the person God has called us to be?
Wednesday, April 2, 10:00 am – 2:30pm (check-in begins at 8:30am)
Activity Center
Mass at 9:00 am in the Church
Facilitated by Kathryn Whitaker
$20 per person; childcare is available for $5 per child.
(includes breakfast refreshments, box lunch, tea, water & coffee)
Deadline to register is March 26
Ways to Register:
To register online click on the red button – Register Here
To download the form and drop off in-person or mail, please click here